In the first few weeks of pregnancy, we were bombarded with the same questions over and over and over again. Ever an advocate of working smarter and not harder, here are those questions along with the answers.

When and how did you find out you were pregnant?

Thursday, 7 July 2011 was D-Day for us…as in D for discovery. I had suspected for a few days that something was cooking but didn’t think much of it. That Thursday morning, I had terrible cramps and Trevor left me at home with orders to rest till I felt better. But I knew something just wasn’t right and an hour later I decided to get a pregnancy test. Even though I knew that it was going to be positive, the shock of seeing “PREGNANT” on that little screen was huge. I screamed, cried and prayed all at once. Amidst my Oscar-worthy emotional outburst, I realised I should probably call Trev. Here’s how that phonecall went down:

Me: Honey, I took a pregnancy test.
Him: And?
Me: It was positive!!!!!!!
Him: I’ll be there right now!

While he rushed home, I called my gynae’s office who said I should go get a blood test immediately. I also took photos of my pregnancy test for posterity. Yes, I’m that much of a sentimental nerd. After sparing a few minutes to bask in our happiness, Trev drove me to our GP’s office, we did the blood test and an hour later my gynae’s office called to confirm that we were indeed officially “plus one”.

Why were you surprised?

I have polycystic ovaries with an erratic cycle so my gynae didn’t think it would be possible for me to fall pregnant naturally. We thought it would take a year or more and then, TA DAAA!, it happened in six months.

When are you due?

15 March 2012

How are you feeling?

I’ll answer that in another blog post but we’re good :)

Baby names?

None yet but we have decided that we’re doing just one name and no family names.

Why do you call the baby “Nano”?

Friends of ours are 6 weeks further along in their pregnancy and they nicknamed their baby Bean. When asked what we’d call ours someday, I said I wanted to give it a “geeky” name like Proton or Nano. Seeing as the nano prefix is usually indicative of something extremely small and my iPod Nano is one of my prized possessions, I started referring to the baby as Nano and everyone followed suit. Thankfully, everyone has grown to like the unusual nickname and my friends in the science fraternity find it hilarious.

Are you happy?

I honestly don’t understand why people asked us this question. We’ve been married two and a half years, I’m 27, Trev…well Trev’s a certain age (LOL!) and we were planning to start a family soon so, of course we’re happy. We knew we were ready for this a while ago and we’re extremely excited for the rollercoaster ride of parenthood :) Bring. It. On.

Hello everyone!

I always said I’d only dip my toe into blogging once I was pregnant.

Clearly, that’s happened :)

Trevor and I are blessed to have loads of friends and family who live near and far. Unfortunately, we don’t always get enough time to see you all and we know many of you are quite excited for “Nano”. With this in mind, I decided to use technology to our advantage and spend the next few months and beyond documenting what will undoubtedly be the adventure of a lifetime.

The goal is to not only keep you informed (and hopefully entertained) but truly share our journey.

We want you to interact with us too so please feel free to leave comments.

We hope that you enjoy the ramblings and oddities of our family!

Lots of love,
Erin & Trevor