A while back, a deal was made that Natalie, Tanya and I would take a photo together in our swimsuits. It would be a fun thing and a chance to capture our bellies in the summer sun for posterity. Obviously, I must post this photo on the blog :-)
Like, hello!, we're totally gorgeous and rocking those swimming cozzies!!!! It was also very hot so we were pretty glad to be in the pool ha ha ha!!! Aaaaand, the best bit, our husbands said we're oh so sexy *blush, blush*
Seriously, I think all my friends are beautiful (no really I have BEAUTIFUL friends!) and the two beside me have taken on a whole other kind of beauty. Natalie is literally ready to give birth any day now while Tanya is exactly halfway through her pregnancy and they both look stunning!!! As for me, I'm still giggling about how teeeeeny tiny my bikini bottom is but glad that my boepie has a tan :-)
Swimming with a belly is quite interesting. It feels like someone has strapped a Pollyotter swimming suit to my middle and submersion in water is impossible. Swimming just doesn't feel right but floating on my back has become incredibly easy. I just try to keep upright and literally run in the water to keep moving. It's somewhat comical as I resemble a one-woman aqua aerobics class with no music. Or I push my arms up on the steps to support my body and then float on my tummy. Either way, as long as I can cool off, I'm a happy fish.
Now you're probably wondering if Wren likes the water. Considering that she doesn't move when I'm in the pool, we'll assume that she does. She's already floating in her own pool so she likely feels that I relax and welcomes the cooler temperatures I provide.
Speaking of Wren, she started making some big movements this week and she's keeping Belly Telly going for much longer periods of time. I try to watch as much as possible and I can now see when she turns onto her side, accurately feel exactly where she punches and her feet make little humps under my skin when she kicks. It's very cool!
(FYI - Belly Telly is what I call the entertainment I get from watching Wren move in my belly. You can tell I'm in the TV business when I name the show I get from within my uterus hahahahhahaha!!!)
This is my last post for 2011. We'll be ringing in the new year with friends including our pregnant posse (those of us who cannot drink, drink non-alcoholic champers together. Clever!). I have every intention of dancing tonight so Trevor will be on duty to capture the hilarity that is my attempt at "cool" dance moves.
Whatever you do, don't overdo it, just do it over :-)
We'll see ya in 2012!
Festive fun
Compliments of the season to you all! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!
It's been an awesome two weeks for our family but I'll give you the Christmas rundown first. Trevor and I started our vacation time on 15 December and summer showed up just in time. Because we never go away over the festive season, we jumped at the opportunity to spend the long weekend in Hermanus for some quiet time alone, rest and relaxation. It proved necessary for both of us and we came home on the Monday morning feeling refreshed and ready for fun.
First thing we did was get ourselves a nice little Christmas gift in the form of a baby travel system. We had decided months ago we really wanted a Quinny pram and, thanks to some clever shopping on Gumtree and Trevor's skillful negotiating, we got a bargain of note! The second hand set we bought includes the Buzz pram, Dreami carry cot, Maxi Cosi car seat in a matching design, car seat base and every single accessory that comes with the Quinny system. It's previous owner bought the whole system in the UK, it's hardly been used and she sold it to us for less than what the pram alone retails for brand new. In total, we got everything for 60-70% less than the brand new purchase price of the full system. SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling very chuffed with ourselves for getting the major purchases done so far in advance, we had a relaxed build-up to Christmas which included our first swim in our pool for the summer. Swimming is weird now but more on that in another post. On the 23rd, we enjoyed a group pre-Christmas dinner. We were 5 couples, all dressed in something red, and we had a beautiful evening together. Of the 5 couples, 3 are expecting so it was unusual for the bumps to outnumber the non-bumps LOL! It was so festive around the dinner table with candles, music, crackers, Secret Santa gifts, Santa hats and heaps of food. There was laughter, good conversation and we gathered around the piano to sing carols. Everyone enjoyed the celebration that we're going to try to make it an annual event. It was one of those gatherings where you could walk away saying that it was a true example of the Christmas spirit and I must say a huge thank you to Clint and Tanya Morris for welcoming us into their brand new home and hosting a splendid evening.
Now, I'm used to being at home on Christmas Eve. And by home I mean either my house or my folks' place. So, when Trevor realised that we'd have the entire day and evening to ourselves for a change, he decided we should do something different and go watch a movie that night. It felt super weird walking into the mall at 7pm on Christmas Eve but the movie was fun and it was kinda cool to be doing something out of the ordinary. We then went to my parents to welcome in midnight and exchange gifts.
And there it was: Wren's very first Christmas gift! My parents, clearly getting a head start on buying Christmas gifts for this kiddo, signed the tag by the names which she'll call them, "Nan & GD". They bought her a beautiful white lace Anglais quilt for her cot. I really wanted one but never told anybody so it was quite lovely that my mom and I had a moment of syncronicity which is rare for us. Next to Wren's gift was an equally sized gift from my folks to us and it was the Angelcare Baby Monitor I told my dad about back in October. His only two grandparental tasks were 1.) Pick a name for the baby to call him and 2.) Find a baby monitor. He completed both before the year was out! Well done Dad!!!
My dad, Trevor and I are all gadget geeks so the baby monitor is like a cool toy to all of us. Dad still doesn't quite understand how it works but he'll see when its in use.
It was scorching hot on Christmas day and I made it through church service with flying colours. My children's choir did me proud for my last hurrah, playing Christmas carols in the orchestra was loads of fun and I totally rocked my solos. I'm a bit sad to be out of the music rotation but I know my body was literally pushed as far as it could go. Trevor said he could hear how my voice is starting to take strain between the heat, dehydration and the pressure on my abdomen. I seem to be the only one who forgets that I'm 7 months pregnant. Oh well, I'll sit still and enjoy the music from now on.
For the first time ever, Trevor's family and mine had Christmas lunch together. In fact, it's the first meal our families have ever had together. Don't know how it's never happened in the decade we've been together. Anyhoo, it was a great success! The meal was lovely and our families had a good time celebrating the last Christmas BW (Before Wren ha ha ha!!). I came home that night, sat in the dark on our patio and quietly contemplated a very busy and hot day before giving in to exhaustion. Must say I slept quite happily :-)
And so Christmas week came and went. Next year, I'll be running after my little girl, helping her wrap and unwrap gifts, teaching her carols, watching her stare at Christmas trees and lights with faschination and seeing Christmas anew through her eyes. My goodness, it's going to be fantastic!!!!!
It's been an awesome two weeks for our family but I'll give you the Christmas rundown first. Trevor and I started our vacation time on 15 December and summer showed up just in time. Because we never go away over the festive season, we jumped at the opportunity to spend the long weekend in Hermanus for some quiet time alone, rest and relaxation. It proved necessary for both of us and we came home on the Monday morning feeling refreshed and ready for fun.
Being cool in Hermanus for lunch |
Wren's rides |
Awesome Xmas cupcakes! |
Singing in our Santa hats :-) |
And there it was: Wren's very first Christmas gift! My parents, clearly getting a head start on buying Christmas gifts for this kiddo, signed the tag by the names which she'll call them, "Nan & GD". They bought her a beautiful white lace Anglais quilt for her cot. I really wanted one but never told anybody so it was quite lovely that my mom and I had a moment of syncronicity which is rare for us. Next to Wren's gift was an equally sized gift from my folks to us and it was the Angelcare Baby Monitor I told my dad about back in October. His only two grandparental tasks were 1.) Pick a name for the baby to call him and 2.) Find a baby monitor. He completed both before the year was out! Well done Dad!!!
My dad, Trevor and I are all gadget geeks so the baby monitor is like a cool toy to all of us. Dad still doesn't quite understand how it works but he'll see when its in use.
It was scorching hot on Christmas day and I made it through church service with flying colours. My children's choir did me proud for my last hurrah, playing Christmas carols in the orchestra was loads of fun and I totally rocked my solos. I'm a bit sad to be out of the music rotation but I know my body was literally pushed as far as it could go. Trevor said he could hear how my voice is starting to take strain between the heat, dehydration and the pressure on my abdomen. I seem to be the only one who forgets that I'm 7 months pregnant. Oh well, I'll sit still and enjoy the music from now on.
I match my parents' Christmas tree LOL! |
And so Christmas week came and went. Next year, I'll be running after my little girl, helping her wrap and unwrap gifts, teaching her carols, watching her stare at Christmas trees and lights with faschination and seeing Christmas anew through her eyes. My goodness, it's going to be fantastic!!!!!
Letter to the Second Trimester
Dear Second Trimester
I'm truly sad to see you go. You were happy, easy going and brought so many wonderful moments.
Thank you for little kicks, punches, tickles and bubbles, for helping me get strong in Pilates, for giving me loads of energy, for all the laughter at how silly I look when I dance and for my shiny, thick, healthy hair. Thank you for giving Trev the chance to really bond with his daughter and for those beautiful moments when she moves as he speaks to her.
Mostly thank you for all the laughter and happiness. I've learnt to ask for help, laugh at the fact that I can't get my shoes on, love my new body and I discovered my new favourite form of entertainment: Belly Telly :-)
Admittedly, I haven't enjoyed feeling my ribs stretch and finding new ways to get comfortable when sitting or sleeping gets frustrating at times. But I never forget how much I wanted this experience and I've appreciated and been grateful for every single day, even the ones that hurt a little.
I hear that the third trimester is a bit hectic. I might be very fatigued again, the skin stretching has only just begun and Wren is about to have a massive growth spurt which will undoubtedly put a strain on my tiny torso in the unforgiving Jan and Feb heat. When it gets too much, I'll think of you my friend.
I hope that if we meet again our relationship will be just as wonderful. Trevor and I will cherish the memories you've given us forever.
With a tear in our eyes but a smile in our hearts, we bid you a fond farewell.
I'm truly sad to see you go. You were happy, easy going and brought so many wonderful moments.
Thank you for little kicks, punches, tickles and bubbles, for helping me get strong in Pilates, for giving me loads of energy, for all the laughter at how silly I look when I dance and for my shiny, thick, healthy hair. Thank you for giving Trev the chance to really bond with his daughter and for those beautiful moments when she moves as he speaks to her.
Mostly thank you for all the laughter and happiness. I've learnt to ask for help, laugh at the fact that I can't get my shoes on, love my new body and I discovered my new favourite form of entertainment: Belly Telly :-)
Admittedly, I haven't enjoyed feeling my ribs stretch and finding new ways to get comfortable when sitting or sleeping gets frustrating at times. But I never forget how much I wanted this experience and I've appreciated and been grateful for every single day, even the ones that hurt a little.
I hear that the third trimester is a bit hectic. I might be very fatigued again, the skin stretching has only just begun and Wren is about to have a massive growth spurt which will undoubtedly put a strain on my tiny torso in the unforgiving Jan and Feb heat. When it gets too much, I'll think of you my friend.
I hope that if we meet again our relationship will be just as wonderful. Trevor and I will cherish the memories you've given us forever.
With a tear in our eyes but a smile in our hearts, we bid you a fond farewell.
Too much of cuteness
Yesterday, a red envelope turned up in our mailbox. It was addressed to me and the sender was listed as "Santa's Helpers". I opened the envelope and discovered two sheets of paper. The first sheet was a letter from Santa's Helpers who wrote that they had received a Christmas wishlist from our Jack Russell, Buttons. I was being asked to kindly heed the wishlist and make Buttons' Christmas dreams come true. Here's the letter Buttons wrote to Santa:
Huge high five to Hill's pet food for this adorable marketing ploy. It ranks right up there with our vet who also sends mail addressed to the dogs by name and surname. Super cute!
It's hilarious that the writing style and paw prints are pretty much spot on for Buttons...if she could write of course. Then again, this is a dog who I'm certain has the brain of a genius. For example, she's learnt how to build her own forts out of scatter cushions. Not only do they provide warmth and concealment, they also serve as protection and space dividers from Rhapsody. Clever solution to an annoying problem!
Many people have asked if we're concerned about Buttons' reaction to the baby because female Jacks are known to be rather jealous and possessive of their owners, particularly female owners. We're not at all worried. She's an easy-going dog and doesn't require constant attention. While Buttons is extremely affectionate, fortunately, she's also quite independent; a perk from her being the runt of her litter.
I've been making an effort to bond with her because she won't be the baby in our house for much longer. She's shown no awareness of the pregnancy like Rhapsody has (R's new trick is to sniff my belly right where Wren is lying) but I'm glad she still wants to cuddle up with me. I just don't want her to feel left out. Between Hurricane Rhapsody and a newborn, it would be so easy to overlook the quiet little Jack Russell who faithfully waits at doors, fetches socks and her rope toy on command and who loves and protects her family fiercely, even if she is the smallest member of our household.
Huge high five to Hill's pet food for this adorable marketing ploy. It ranks right up there with our vet who also sends mail addressed to the dogs by name and surname. Super cute!
It's hilarious that the writing style and paw prints are pretty much spot on for Buttons...if she could write of course. Then again, this is a dog who I'm certain has the brain of a genius. For example, she's learnt how to build her own forts out of scatter cushions. Not only do they provide warmth and concealment, they also serve as protection and space dividers from Rhapsody. Clever solution to an annoying problem!
Many people have asked if we're concerned about Buttons' reaction to the baby because female Jacks are known to be rather jealous and possessive of their owners, particularly female owners. We're not at all worried. She's an easy-going dog and doesn't require constant attention. While Buttons is extremely affectionate, fortunately, she's also quite independent; a perk from her being the runt of her litter.
I've been making an effort to bond with her because she won't be the baby in our house for much longer. She's shown no awareness of the pregnancy like Rhapsody has (R's new trick is to sniff my belly right where Wren is lying) but I'm glad she still wants to cuddle up with me. I just don't want her to feel left out. Between Hurricane Rhapsody and a newborn, it would be so easy to overlook the quiet little Jack Russell who faithfully waits at doors, fetches socks and her rope toy on command and who loves and protects her family fiercely, even if she is the smallest member of our household.
26 week check-up
(I'm trying to eat a sandwich and type at the same time and the sandwich is winning ha ha ha!)
Ok, yesterday was our monthly check-up and from now till due date we'll be with the gynaecologist. Got to love that my gynae's first remark when I walked into her office was "Still a Jack-In-The-Box, I see."
First issue to be dealt with: the dreaded weight question. Dr White, being super awesome, didn't tell me how much I've gained or even how much I weigh now. All she said was that my weight gain is in the normal range and I should stop stressing about it. Halle-frikkin-lujah!!! (At this point Trevor also gave me his "I told you so" look) Like I said in a previous post, I'm pretty good about what I eat and it's a relief to hear that my discipline regarding both my food and my Pilates classes is working. It also means I can enjoy my Christmas treats *doing a happy dance*
Before starting the scan, Dr White emphasized the fact that Wren-Lee is now viable i.e. if she were to deliver early for any reason, she can survive independently of me. Dr White then jokingly said I shouldn't be doing anything crazy like hiking from now on. I replied that getting up the staircase in my parents' house is enough of a hike for me LOL!
The scan itself was a big surprise. Wren looks like a proper baby now! She's got a bit of fat on her body and her face is plumping up. She was scrunching her face up during the scan so we only got a partial picture of her face and can't tell yet who's features she has.
According to the measurements taken, she weighs over 900gr and is on course to weigh about 3kg at birth, which is quite normal. She was sleeping at the time of the scan but Dr White says the position of my placenta acts as a buffer between Wren and I so I don't feel some of her movements. She's also in the correct head down position and it's unlikely that she'll move out of there now. All this means is that I'm looking good for normal delivery.
And our kiddo is a bit of a gymnast/contortionist. She seems to enjoy pulling her feet up to her face. All through the check-up, she was bending and stretching her legs to get her feet up. Dr White decided to measure them seeing as she kept putting them right up in front of the ultrasound wand and kiddo's footsies are just under 5cm already!
I'm really sad that my next check-up will be my last with Dr White. Now that I've gotten to know her through the pregnancy, it's a bit heart-breaking that she won't be guiding me through labour and birth. And she's quite sad too about having to leave her patients right at the end of their pregnancies although she said yesterday she doesn't cry about it anymore. Dr White is aware that the next visit is our last and I'm going to mentally prepare myself now already to not cry. It's difficult to have to let go of that relationship and start a new one with a new doctor who we'll only see a few times before Wren arrives. But, I'm going to welcome Dr van Waart with open arms and hope she's as lovely as everyone reassures me she is.
Please forgive my emotional attachment to my doctor. These days I'm emotional about everything. I cry during TV shows, I cry during speeches, I cry every time I hear John Mayer's "Daughters", I cry watching birth videos. Heck, I get teary just thinking about Christmas, our friends who live abroad, all the babies being born next year and how blessed, truly blessed, Trevor and I am to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family to share in this very special time with us. Even in reading the blog, thanks to you too for being part of this. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.
Ok, yesterday was our monthly check-up and from now till due date we'll be with the gynaecologist. Got to love that my gynae's first remark when I walked into her office was "Still a Jack-In-The-Box, I see."
First issue to be dealt with: the dreaded weight question. Dr White, being super awesome, didn't tell me how much I've gained or even how much I weigh now. All she said was that my weight gain is in the normal range and I should stop stressing about it. Halle-frikkin-lujah!!! (At this point Trevor also gave me his "I told you so" look) Like I said in a previous post, I'm pretty good about what I eat and it's a relief to hear that my discipline regarding both my food and my Pilates classes is working. It also means I can enjoy my Christmas treats *doing a happy dance*
Before starting the scan, Dr White emphasized the fact that Wren-Lee is now viable i.e. if she were to deliver early for any reason, she can survive independently of me. Dr White then jokingly said I shouldn't be doing anything crazy like hiking from now on. I replied that getting up the staircase in my parents' house is enough of a hike for me LOL!
The scan itself was a big surprise. Wren looks like a proper baby now! She's got a bit of fat on her body and her face is plumping up. She was scrunching her face up during the scan so we only got a partial picture of her face and can't tell yet who's features she has.
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You have to tilt your head to the right and you can see her right eye and a bit of her nose. |
And our kiddo is a bit of a gymnast/contortionist. She seems to enjoy pulling her feet up to her face. All through the check-up, she was bending and stretching her legs to get her feet up. Dr White decided to measure them seeing as she kept putting them right up in front of the ultrasound wand and kiddo's footsies are just under 5cm already!
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How cute are those little toes!!!! |
Please forgive my emotional attachment to my doctor. These days I'm emotional about everything. I cry during TV shows, I cry during speeches, I cry every time I hear John Mayer's "Daughters", I cry watching birth videos. Heck, I get teary just thinking about Christmas, our friends who live abroad, all the babies being born next year and how blessed, truly blessed, Trevor and I am to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family to share in this very special time with us. Even in reading the blog, thanks to you too for being part of this. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.
Whopper weekend!
You can practically smell the happy holiday vibe in Cape Town. The weather is nice, people are relaxed, Christmas spirit abounds and there's lots of good time with friends. Trevor and I are already scheduling things because we're constantly on the go and this past weekend was no exception.
But, everything in life needs a bit of balance. After such a hectic weekend, we'll be enjoying some down time in Hermanus for the coming long weekend. My nickname might be the Erin-giser Bunny but even I need a recharge now and then. Here's hoping I manage to sit still for longer than 10 minutes - Cheers!
Friday night was the company end-of-the-year dinner and it was at the fabulous Madame Zingara. Our company dinner is really a family dinner seeing as both my parents, Trevor and I work together and my brother was also in attendance. The show was fantastic and Trevor finally got to experience one of Wren's party modes. Every time the music would swell, she'd do a flurry of flips, kicks and punches. I waited until I knew she was definitely responding to the music, grabbed Trev's hand, put it on my belly and he felt just how active and big she is. I've been trying to get him to see it or feel it for weeks already and I'm glad he got the chance even if it was a duel contortionist performance: The act on stage and the one in my tummy :-)
I must say I'm starting to appreciate the way people look at me now. While I was walking up and down at Zingara, the folks at the tables I walked past would glance at my tummy and smile. And it's quite cool that the other pregnant women there exchanged that "You're a member of the club. Hello to you!" look with me. I took a chance and went over to a lady who's dress I was admiring from afar. The instant she looked down at my belly, she happily told me where she bought the dress. I'm thinking this bump can be pretty useful LOL!
Saturday was my good friend Natalie's lavender-themed baby shower. I've been super excited for this because she really deserved to be spoilt. Although I was carefully monitored by all the friends and family, I helped with the decorating and setting up. My other big job was that of official photographer. I'll show you just a few pics so you get an idea of the party.
Anyway, Natz loved her party and got a heap of great gifts. There was an emotional moment where everyone, especially all the pregnant ladies in attendance, got misty eyed (I couldn't even take pictures because I was crying so much) but there was a lot of love and well wishes for Natalie, Duane and baby Sienna.
Natalie is utterly beautiful at 33 weeks pregnant and now we're all waiting with much anticipation for baby's arrival which looks to be a bit earlier than planned :-)
On Sunday, we started a band...or at least we'd like to think we did.
Our friends, Clint and Tanya Morris, will be moving from their flat into a brand new house this week and we had a little gathering for old times sake. It was decided that we'd bid farewell to their old home with some Guitar Hero. Turns out three pregnant mammas can rock out on a video game!
Jokingly, I suggested we name our band The Bumps and Clint quickly pointed out that we're actually a group of six if you include our unborn daughters. Still, we racked up a pretty good score. The boys also got their chance to be rock stars.
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The Bumps: From left, Twinkle Fingers Tanya on bass, Naughty Natalie on drums and Erin-giser Bunny on lead guitar |
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The official boy band portrait |
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From left: Fly Boy Clint on bass, Dashing Duane on drums and The Trevinator on lead guitar |
You're joking, right?
I LOVE music! Like seriously LOVE it! I sang in competition choirs all through school but, for church, I've been in the orchestra since I picked up my flute over a decade ago and I've been in the same choir for 12 years. I also started conducting and teaching our Sunday School choir this year. Once Wren's due date was certain, a decision had to be made of when I'd cease all the music activity and Christmas Day was pegged as D-Day...Done Day. I'll be doing all three on Christmas morning before taking a long sabbatical.
My choir master, Neville, and I have a great working relationship. He's pretty bummed that I'm out of the choir soon so, he's been assigning cool solos for me to sing on big occasions. Last night, on a whim, he teams me up with my good friend Gen for a "golden oldie" on Christmas Day and it shall be our grand finale.
After practice, I had a good chuckle with Neville. He said he decided to let me have at the solo because I assured him I can still comfortably pitch the notes at the top of my vocal range. He figured I should leave the choir "on a high note" and he wasn't joking. To quote my cousin Carla, "That's beastly!"
My choir master, Neville, and I have a great working relationship. He's pretty bummed that I'm out of the choir soon so, he's been assigning cool solos for me to sing on big occasions. Last night, on a whim, he teams me up with my good friend Gen for a "golden oldie" on Christmas Day and it shall be our grand finale.
After practice, I had a good chuckle with Neville. He said he decided to let me have at the solo because I assured him I can still comfortably pitch the notes at the top of my vocal range. He figured I should leave the choir "on a high note" and he wasn't joking. To quote my cousin Carla, "That's beastly!"
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This is Wren's Christmas wake-up call LOL! |
Project Baby Room: It has begun...
The room we once called "The sunny room" has begun its transformation into "The baby's room". Armed with a lot of paint, brushes, newspaper and masking tape, Trevor and I tackled the first coat of paint on the walls.
Thankfully, there wasn't much furniture in the room so moving everything out was a quick job. We packed up the bedding and curtains before Trevor got to work laying down masking tape. Of course, our resident supervisors were on hand to ensure everything was done correctly.
Unfortunately, the supervising staff succumbed to the monotony of the job and eventually fell asleep...
Because Rhapsody is magically drawn towards wet paint, we decided to just let her sleep and carry on painting until we had to tackle the wall she was blocking. She wasn't particularly impressed when she was woken up and sent out into the yard.
Anyway, please don't think that just because I'm the pregnant one I did nothing but take photos. Trevor is 6ft tall whereas I'm much, much closer to the ground so, I do all the painting in the corners and above the skirting.
With all the edges and corners painted, Trev did the first coat and is one of few people I know who paints ambidextrously.
I'm not sure if painting with both his left and right hand makes the work go twice as fast but he was pretty tired afterwards. So, I whipped up a treat he's been requesting for almost a month: A huge steaming pile of flapjacks with maple syrup :-)
There's no going back now. While I was painting it occurred to me that we were painting our child's room. Like, hello, it's OUR CHILD'S ROOM - crazy! It's all becoming very, very real. As much fun as it is to play interior decorator, the fact that the space is for a new member of our family is always front and center. We've been excited about our kiddo from day one but this project feels like our first big step into parenthood and, honestly, we couldn't be happier.
Thankfully, there wasn't much furniture in the room so moving everything out was a quick job. We packed up the bedding and curtains before Trevor got to work laying down masking tape. Of course, our resident supervisors were on hand to ensure everything was done correctly.
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"Hey big guy, whatcha doing?" |
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"Lady, we're trying to work here." |
Because Rhapsody is magically drawn towards wet paint, we decided to just let her sleep and carry on painting until we had to tackle the wall she was blocking. She wasn't particularly impressed when she was woken up and sent out into the yard.
Anyway, please don't think that just because I'm the pregnant one I did nothing but take photos. Trevor is 6ft tall whereas I'm much, much closer to the ground so, I do all the painting in the corners and above the skirting.
With all the edges and corners painted, Trev did the first coat and is one of few people I know who paints ambidextrously.
I'm not sure if painting with both his left and right hand makes the work go twice as fast but he was pretty tired afterwards. So, I whipped up a treat he's been requesting for almost a month: A huge steaming pile of flapjacks with maple syrup :-)
There's no going back now. While I was painting it occurred to me that we were painting our child's room. Like, hello, it's OUR CHILD'S ROOM - crazy! It's all becoming very, very real. As much fun as it is to play interior decorator, the fact that the space is for a new member of our family is always front and center. We've been excited about our kiddo from day one but this project feels like our first big step into parenthood and, honestly, we couldn't be happier.
Yummy (mummy)
My doctor gave me one thing to do for this pregnancy: Watch my weight.
I've been an extremely good girl and haven't really indulged in sweets or junk food anymore than usual. In fact, I've probably been better about it over the course of the pregnancy. But October was a mess with birthdays and socialising and in this last month I fluctuated between being crazy hungry all day and then having no appetite the next day.
Obviously, I was not impressed to discover I was slightly over the weight I'm supposed to be at for the 25 week mark. Trevor found my distress and disappointment most confusing seeing as he's well aware of how conscious I am of not "eating for two". Plus he thinks I'm drop dead gorgeous with the baby belly so my weight is of little concern to him.
In the end, what matters is that I'm in great health, the baby's happy and healthy (well, judging by her flurry of activity, she must be having a party in here) and there's no point in stressing over every single kilogram. I eat healthily, exercise and enjoying the pregnancy is more important than panicking about my weight.
All that being said, we hit the 25 week mark yesterday. Trevor and I were in the Waterfront for a corporate event and he decided that we deserved to spoil ourselves a little. So, throwing caution to the wind, Wren-Lee and I enjoyed a delicious caramel biscuit and vanilla caramel brownie flavoured treat from our favourite ice-cream brand...(I salivate when reading this last sentence)
Haagen-Dazs = food heaven *drool* |
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