Camp Drayton was incredibly excited for Trevor's first Father's Day. Sadly, Trev's father passed away many years ago and I know he thinks of his dad particularly on Father's Day so, I wanted to make the day special for him.
First up was getting the right card. Knowing Trevor's love for Winnie the Pooh, I managed to find a Winnie card that looked like it had been written by a child. All Wren-Lee had to do was add her own little message and the card was sorted. (Yes folks, she can write *wink*)
Next was spoiling him with a lovely lunch. He'd been wanting to go to Beluga for weeks and we managed to get a booking on one of the busiest days of the year. It was really great for us to be out for a meal. Trevor was extremely proud to show off his daughter to fellow patrons and staff and she happily babbled while we enjoyed our food.
Of course, we had to go wish her GD. Buying a gift for my dad is usually a nightmare. The man literally has everything and the things he wants nobody can afford. Fortunately, I had a rare brilliant gifting idea for my dad and found him a great scarf. I didn't think he'd be all excited about a scarf but he was. Subsequently, he wore it every day this past week and even wears it with his PJs and gown while watching TV. My mom says he's all sentimental about it because the gift is from Wren. Shame, he can be so cute sometimes.
Every year, my dad delivers what I call the Father's Day Gem. He usually says or does something hilarious and I share it on Facebook or Twitter. This year's one was definitely a classic: As we were leaving my folks' house, he went to say greet to Wren-Lee with this line, "Good-bye you little mothersucker."
Yup, that's my dad.
But the following day, we heard that Trev had to go to Jo'burg on business and he would miss Wren-Lee's 14 week shots later in the week. I'm really glad he wasn't there.
She was tired, miserable and cried bitterly. I had to calm her down after she was weighed and measured and she wasn't happy about being undressed for all that. Obviously the injections were painful and she screamed but calmed down pretty quickly once I had her in my arms. The rest of the day was fine and I let her sleep a bit longer before her last feed so she could be awake when Trev arrived home that night. One would think that a baby her age wouldn't be too bothered if she didn't see her father for 24 hours. Well, Trevor woke her and her face lit up with the biggest smile I've ever seen when she realised who was holding her. Needless to say, she was awake till much later than usual, playing and babbling to her father.
As much as he'd deny it, Wren-Lee's got her daddy wrapped around her finger. When he's not promising her ponies, he's telling her how he's going to take her to visit Uncle Sandro and Aunty Nicci in London and then they'll going snowboarding in Switzerland before doing every possible ride at Disneyworld in Orlando. But, even if he never gives her a pony or takes her overseas, I already know that she'll never say he didn't give her all the love in the world and that's what matters most.