Who's the boss?

Yesterday was Boss's Day. Why bosses need a day is beyond me but, hey, it exists.

Our little boss got the day off from work. She went driving around with her Nan and had a good time showing off in the shops.

People are surprised that Wren-Lee goes to work with us most days of the week. Sure, we have the odd difficult day with her but we cope just fine usually. It's also given me valuable bonding time with her and she's grown quite comfortable in the work environment.

But she really is the little boss here.
Big Boss and Little Boss having a meeting

Let me check my calendar...oops, it's broken! 
Wren-Lee is the CEO - Child Entertainment Officer. While her GD (GrandDad) is the MD (Managing Director) and actually runs the business, she's in charge of providing happiness and smiles and maintaining the inventory of baby stuff in the office.

Our CEO has her own stamp comprised of her hand and her saliva.
Laptop working correctly? Stamp!
Desk making the right sound when tapped? Stamp!
Documents need checking? Stamp!
Phone ringing at the correct volume? Stamp!

She also regularly does roll tests on the board room table to make sure it is indeed level. Other tasks include welcoming visitors for meetings, laughing as often as possible so it doesn't get too quiet and rearranging everyone's desks on an hourly basis so you actually see all the work you might have pushed elsewhere.

The CEO is also the only staff member who does all her snacks and lunch like clockwork and she's allowed regular naps in her "cubicle"; a camper cot in her dad's office.

Honestly, I'm going to miss working with her. I'm starting a new job in less than two weeks and our time together is being drastically reduced. It's been a wonderful blessing to spend so much time with her till now and she's grown independent enough to be ok with not seeing much of me from now on.

And while my new office has crazy staff, two French bulldogs and a magnificent view, it takes quite a lot to replace my CEO.

Waiting and watching

I see I've been taking long gaps between blog posts. Life is a bit hectic right now and it's difficult to find space and time to write. For Wren-Lee though, life is just peachy. 

She's finally mastered rolling. Yippeee! But, like Derek Zoolander, she only turns to the left. Seriously. Model tendancies with this one. 
I like putting her on one end of our bed and watching (and filming) her roll all the way to the other side. Don't worry, I'm a mom who's all about safety so there are a lot of pillows to keep her safe. 

While rolling is fun and really cute, it's what's happening in her mouth that has everyone on tenterhooks. We can see her first tooth waiting just under that surface of her gum. Her eczema is flaring up, her tummy is wonky, she chews everything in sight and she's been sleeping quite a lot during the day. It's obvious her body is prepping for that tooth to erupt. 

We are still very fortunate that she's quite calm and hasn't been really sick. Everyone's hoping that her teething will be without much incident but only time will tell. At this stage, it looks like we may have a tooth within a week or two. 

I'm still trying to understand the whole "pancake" association with baby's first tooth. Although I have faith in Google's wisdom, I haven't found anything or anybody who can explain it to me or where it comes from. So, while we wait for this tooth, I'll see if I can dig up some history on the pancake thing and hopefully I'll have an answer soon.