Now, the song goes "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.." but Wren's already got those at the bottom so maybe the top two will appear as her gift. With all the festive cheer about, don't underestimate a child's ability to realise something's going on.
Wren discovered Christmas decorations. Every time we take her into a shop, her little head whips to and fro looking for the decorations dangling from the ceiling or standing on a shelf. She gets terribly excited about them and we think we might have a small problem with our Christmas tree's emancipation from storage coinciding with her learning to crawl. Trevor's brilliant solution: leave fake gifts under the tree so she's drawn to them instead of the tree itself.
It was this magnetic pull towards anything Christmas related that lead to the so-called Christmas outfit. My mom took her along to the store one day and decided to go through the baby clothing section. Wren grabbed a bib from her pram and my mom thought it was a sign that she must buy the matching romper. Together, they are Wren's official Christmas outfit. (See below)
I had a good chuckle when I got sent the photo of this get up and thought it utterly ridiculous. After seeing it in person, I couldn't help but love it and now I'm embarrassed to say I'm looking for those baby reindeer antler headbands to go with it.
No judgies; I'm a mom who likes to dress my kid up every now and then.
And while I don't believe in getting Wren's a gift just yet because she still too young to understand the gesture, her father has already picked out her gift. Guess that means I'm going to have to wrap it and let her go a bit crazy on it come Christmas morning.
Are my crazy friends and I having our Christmas party again this year? Yup, we are! Let me give you the stats: 24 people, a menu of more than 10 different dishes and 14 bottles of champagne. How many babies at this shindig? 0 :-) It's going to be quite a night!
I still find it hard to believe that last Christmas I was very pregnant and had no idea how Wren would change my life for the better. I can't wait to see the excitement on her face when she rips the paper off her gift and have her sit with us at the table for Christmas lunch. What's even better is that my family from Pretoria is arriving in Cape Town and they'll meet her for the very first time.
It may sound cheesy, but Wren-Lee is truly the best Christmas gift ever!