This morning, we had our 30 week check-up with Dr White...our last visit with her (very sad!). I think I'm still a little emotional and overwhelmed by the scan.
Wren was awake and we got to see her move about, turn her face and got a clear view of her yawning. Ok, she can't actually yawn yet but she is exercising the reflex and it was unbelievable. That's my little angel in there and she does stuff awesome stuff like that! She weighs 1.7 kilograms already (oh my gaawsh she's getting big now!) and Dr White says that her projected weight at due date will be a maximum of 3.5kgs. My due date is still the same and doc is confident I'll make it pretty close to full term. Wren's measurements comply perfectly for the 30th week of gestation and she's a healthy little kiddo. Best surprise: She has a full head of hair :-) It's a surprise because both Trevor and I were bald babies so we didn't expect her to be rocking locks of hair before birth. Guess I'm going to need a baby brush after all (very excited to have little baby hair to wash *clapping hands with excitement*).
As for me, I've got orders from the doc: Start slowing down, taking it easy, resting and revert back to my Low GI eating style. I let the reins go over the festive season and finally ate like a crazy pregnant chick for the last month but it's time to go back to the healthy stuff. Insulin levels tend to spike in the third trimester and its not good for me or the baby so slow-release carbs are back on the menu. Hey, at least I got to indulge over Christmas and New Years. Trevor is also embarking on a bit of a lifestyle change this week so we're going to help and support each other when it comes to our food. As for the resting bit...we'll see how that goes. I have 2-3 days where I'm full of energy and then one day where I recharge the batteries. While I won't entirely commit to slowing down, I will listen to my body and act accordingly. Dr White says I'll feel more tired in the coming weeks and the summer heat only makes it worse. Like right now for example, I'm extremely tired and drained after a busy weekend and a scorching hot day yesterday.
How am I holding up in the summer heat? Pretty good actually!
It's not the heat that bothers me, it's being in stuffy areas where I feel I can't get enough air. As long as there's ice cold water and access to fresh air, I'm content.
How did Dr White do for our last visit? She was super as always. Really going to miss her! She was a bit awkward toward the end and I couldn't gauge if she wanted a hug or not but she's asked that I send her pics of the baby. Of course we're sending her pics but she'll also get a little gift from us as a token of our thanks and appreciation. She'll still be tending to a few patients at Durbanville Medi-Clinic around the time Wren's born so, fingers crossed, we might get lucky and see her at the hospital. I do hope so, would be great for her to meet Wren in person.
Next step: Maternity ward tour on 27 January, booking our place in hospital for baby's birth and meeting our new doctor on 13 Feb. Exciting times ahead!
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