D-Day Part 1: "No frikkin way!!!"

The story of Wren-Lee's arrival is pretty darn awesome so I've decided to relay it in parts so you can read it in smaller chunks. Also, I'm writing this 5 weeks down the line and on a 3-4 hour feeding schedule so it gives me time to write in bits and pieces.
Thinking like a mommy :-)

So, from the last post here's what happened:

After a week of lots of walking and doing everything humanly possible to get Wren-Lee to drop, the big appointment day arrived. But, typical of our Drayton drama, Trevor got sick. He ended up at the GP's office at 9am, was diagnosed with a chest infection and put off work for two days. Still, he accompanied me to our appointment with Dr van Waart at noon seeing as it was pretty important.

The doc did what can only be described as the quickest internal exam ever. I was literally on the table for 30 seconds when she said, "Nope, your cervix is ready but your pelvis is too small. We need an ultrasound."

She then showed Trevor how to feel Wren's head and explained that she's was too high up to be born naturally. We did the ultrasound and discovered that her head was 1.5cms too big for my pelvis. And that's when the bomb dropped: "Erin, we're doing a C-section and you're having this baby tomorrow."


And that's when I started crying. I cried even more when she said that we'd be delivering at 9am...a mere 20 hours from that point. It was just a bit much to take in. My brain was reeling. Trevor was beaming.

Once I was calmer, doc explained the whole procedure and advised us on the admin we'd have to do in preparation for the next day. She assured me again that I had done everything I could but it was time to hand over the reigns and just be a happy mommy when Wren arrived. We ran from her office to the hospital to sort out admission and then I totally broke down in the car, sobbing all the way home. I was in total emotional overload and felt much better once I let it all bubble out.
The next few hours were frantic. I was cleaning, packing, calling the medical aid, calling my beauty therapist for help with hospital questions and generally just trying to orchestrate everything without falling to pieces. Trevor was ordered to rest as much as possible so he could handle the load of responsibility the next day seeing as I'd be out of action.

The rector of our congregation popped in to come pray with us and check that we were okay. I was still running around like a headless chicken when he arrived but felt much better after the prayer.

And then my friends and family did something amazing. They quietly arranged dinner and descended upon the house for an impromptu send off "party". It was a wonderful evening around the dinner table and they even packed the dishwasher and cleaned up afterward! I had to hold back the tears after everyone had left because the house was overflowing with love.

So, once everyone was gone and Trev was in bed, I still took time to double check my suitcase and flat iron my hair. Once in bed, I had a talk with Wren and wept as I told my little girl that this would be our last night sleeping together as one. I assured her that everything would be ok and that we were all excited to meet her.

And with that thought I drifted off to sleep, ready for the biggest day of my life.

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