This past Monday, I did my very first solo trip to see Dr van Waart. Trevor has been on a training course for the last three days and, unfortunately, he couldn't tag along. Anyhoo, it was a check-up that left me with some mixed emotions.
Here's what's wrong at the moment: Wren-Lee is lying posterior i.e. her face is up instead of down. She hasn't descended yet i.e. she's sitting in the middle of nowhere instead of down in my pelvis. And, to top it all, her umbilical cord is lying around her neck. Surprisingly, the cord is the least of our concerns.
Here's what's right at the moment: She's a healthy little monkey. Her weight is approximately 3kgs. And I'm fine. Well, as fine as I can be under the circumstances.
According to my doc, it definitely sounded like she was descending properly over the last week but, for some reason, repositioned. My waddling and pain were not for nought although it would've been better if she stayed where she was. I've been trying to recall if anything happened between Sunday and Monday morning that could've sent her back up but that's just me over-analyzing again. The doc says we've just got to watch and see what Wren-Lee does. I'm no longer in the driver's seat and she's in charge of her own little ship now. This is difficult for me to accept because a.) I want to be able to do anything and everything possible for this baby and b.) I've wondered if it was something I did that got her into the wrong position.
I could feel she was in the correct position up until Saturday but, for the life of me, can't understand why she not only flipped but also crept back up. Trevor actually has a pretty good theory: Maybe my pelvis is just too small for her.
So, what are the positives here?
Well, my doctor is backing me 100% on giving birth naturally. My pregnancy has had zero complications, Wren-Lee can still be turned and has enough time to descend so those bases are covered. Dr van Waart also has a few tricks she could try to flip and/or get her to engage if we can rule out the need for a C-section. Speaking of which, we're seeing her again this coming Tuesday and I'm praying we can indeed rule out the C-section.
For now, I'm trying to not overthink which is not easy for someone who's mind has no off or mute button. It was a lot of information to take in and there are moments where my feelings on the situation go awry but I'm aware of it and dealing with it. I want her out safely but it's now very real that it might not happen as I'd hoped. That's life. All I can do is keep calm, keep an open mind and do whatever is possible to help her along.
Goodbye work, hello maternity leave!
Much to many people's relief (mine included!), today is my last day at work and I'm finally going on maternity leave. I've spent the last two weeks organising, filing, shredding, archiving and cleaning up e-mails dating back 5 years. If I could drink in celebration I would, but apple juice had to suffice today. Now I can look forward to some R&R before the little monkey arrives :-)
Physically, I'm getting uncomfortable. She's definitely descending and the pressure on my pelvis increases a little more each day but we're coping well. I'm also getting tired much quicker now. On Wednesday night at church, I was told by a few people that it looks like this baby is coming earlier than we expect. That's long as she waits until after Tuesday.
Tomorrow, we've got a massive shopping trip to stock up the kitchen and pick up the last bits and pieces we need. After that, I'm going to spend as much time as possible on my big bum doing very little. Sleep, TV, reading and general slothfulness ala Bruno Mars "Lazy Song" will be the order of the days ahead. Going to rock this maternity leave like a boss!
Mommy's Valentine
Happy Wellington's Day!!! Yes, that's what I call it: Wellington's Day. Long story.
Because we're not really believers in the whole Valentine's Day hype, Trevor and I have often celebrated the occasion on the day before or sometimes the day after. In fact, we got engaged on 13 February because we chose to do Valentine's Day 24 hours early. This year, we had a check-up with the doc and finally got my paperwork sorted at the hospital - super romantic ha ha ha!
Ok, verdict on the new gynae, Dr van Waart: She is AWESOME!!!! I had every reason to be excited about meeting her and she definitely exceeded my expectations. She's so warm, friendly and easy to trust. The appointment was very relaxed and we got great news. Wren-Lee is in fantastic shape, everything is functioning normally and she's weighing in at approximately 2.6kgs right now. Her calculated weight at due date is around 3.3kgs which is exactly what Dr White calculated it would be as well. She has started lowering down into my pelvis which is why I've recently started getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Totally normal, she's just settling into place. She favours lying in the middle or on the left side of the uterus but it's because my placenta is on the right. Her blood and oxygen feed from my placenta is quite strong so I've got the doc's approval to continue sleeping on my back, which is exactly what kiddo likes.
Doc says I'm in good nick and there's nothing for us to worry about. Baby's position and my health indicate that I'll carry to due date. At our next appointment, which is in two weeks, Doc will measure Wren-Lee's head as well as my cervix and calculate if she'll fit. Like she said to us, "If her head can fit in, she can get out." She's also going to check that her head is engaged in the pelvis and will schedule a C-section if either her head is too large for my cervix or she shows no signs of engaging. Doc firmly believes there's no point in delaying the process if we know I can't deliver naturally. I'm ok with that. Getting her out safely is the most important thing.
And so, what did my little star give her mom for Wellington's Day? Well, she made me proud because her heartbeat was so strong, loud and fast that the sound distorted the speaker on the ultrasound machine. Good kid! Her daddy is also spoiling me with a quiet, romantic dinner tonight. We'll be celebrating our love and the new life joining our family.
But, what better gift for Valentine's Day than a gorgeous photograph clearly showing all four chambers of my baby's beautiful, healthy heart :-) Love you my little monkey!
Because we're not really believers in the whole Valentine's Day hype, Trevor and I have often celebrated the occasion on the day before or sometimes the day after. In fact, we got engaged on 13 February because we chose to do Valentine's Day 24 hours early. This year, we had a check-up with the doc and finally got my paperwork sorted at the hospital - super romantic ha ha ha!
Ok, verdict on the new gynae, Dr van Waart: She is AWESOME!!!! I had every reason to be excited about meeting her and she definitely exceeded my expectations. She's so warm, friendly and easy to trust. The appointment was very relaxed and we got great news. Wren-Lee is in fantastic shape, everything is functioning normally and she's weighing in at approximately 2.6kgs right now. Her calculated weight at due date is around 3.3kgs which is exactly what Dr White calculated it would be as well. She has started lowering down into my pelvis which is why I've recently started getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Totally normal, she's just settling into place. She favours lying in the middle or on the left side of the uterus but it's because my placenta is on the right. Her blood and oxygen feed from my placenta is quite strong so I've got the doc's approval to continue sleeping on my back, which is exactly what kiddo likes.
Doc says I'm in good nick and there's nothing for us to worry about. Baby's position and my health indicate that I'll carry to due date. At our next appointment, which is in two weeks, Doc will measure Wren-Lee's head as well as my cervix and calculate if she'll fit. Like she said to us, "If her head can fit in, she can get out." She's also going to check that her head is engaged in the pelvis and will schedule a C-section if either her head is too large for my cervix or she shows no signs of engaging. Doc firmly believes there's no point in delaying the process if we know I can't deliver naturally. I'm ok with that. Getting her out safely is the most important thing.
And so, what did my little star give her mom for Wellington's Day? Well, she made me proud because her heartbeat was so strong, loud and fast that the sound distorted the speaker on the ultrasound machine. Good kid! Her daddy is also spoiling me with a quiet, romantic dinner tonight. We'll be celebrating our love and the new life joining our family.
But, what better gift for Valentine's Day than a gorgeous photograph clearly showing all four chambers of my baby's beautiful, healthy heart :-) Love you my little monkey!
Footsie, footsie...
From Urban Dictionary:
cankles: (n) A reference to a pair of legs that have no defined end of the calf area as well as no defined beginning of the ankle area. Does not only refer to fatty legs, simply shapeless legs.
As you can see, my left foot is ok-ish. Not too swollen and my ankles still exist.
On the right, however, is a classic case of the cankle. Terribly unsexy and has rendered all of my shoes useless except one pair - the oh so stylish flip-flop.
The pic was taken this past Tuesday after work and this was only the beginning of the swelling. About an hour later, I could've been a hobbit of the Shire - short, merry with oversize feet but minus the gross hair. My toes looked like cocktail sausages just waiting for an accompaniment of salad. It was pretty bad.
After being submerged in the pool for an hour, my feet returned to their normal form. I don't think I have ever been so glad to see my ankles. My face, bum and belly are already rounder than usual. The last thing I need to go spherical are my feet.
Baby Shower Surprise
Prologue: This post is a little overdue but I was waiting for happy snaps to add in :-) Here we go!
I confess: I was duped. Completely and utterly conned. And it takes a lot to fool me but my mom and friends (and even Trevor!) pulled it off and gave me a surprise baby shower.
I confess: I was duped. Completely and utterly conned. And it takes a lot to fool me but my mom and friends (and even Trevor!) pulled it off and gave me a surprise baby shower.
I was happily spending time with Tanya when I got a call to come over to my mom's for "cake". Two pregnant chicks aren't going to say no to cake so we jumped in the car. I was pretty confused when I saw all the cars outside the house but figured it was the houseguests, Sandro and Nicci, who invited half the world over seeing as they're visiting from London. It wasn't until Tanya pointed out a sign that said "Baby Shower" that I realised what was happening. And then my brother appeared with the camera...oh boy!
My mom was waiting at the top of the stairs and I was halfway up when I saw my godmother. I got so excited I literally sprinted up the stairs which isn't a good idea when you're 8 months pregnant and wearing a long maxi dress. Angels must've been with me because I didn't slip and fall and in hindsight it wasn't the smartest move to have done that but I was overwhelmed. Anyhoo, a whole bunch of lovely ladies (and my brother?) were waiting for me. I cried like an idiot and it took a while before I calmed down. The whole scene was just a lot to take in.
The afternoon was exactly what I'd hoped for. The guests were relaxed and I was happy to see so many of my friends meeting other friends and getting along. It was wonderful to walk around and chat to everybody and we tucked into some yummy food. Gosh, I'm really blessed to have such awesome people in my life!!!!
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My godmother, best surprise ever! |
And boy oh boy were there gifts! Lots of gifts! It completely filled the boot of the car and we had gifts packed onto the back seat as well! Our little monkey is kitted out with toiletries, diapers and clothes for a good few months and it takes a massive load of Trev and I which is a blessing in and of itself.
Now, about my brother being there. It's odd for a guy to be at a baby shower especially when he's the only male in attendance. Every now and then, Lyle surprises me with his thoughtfulness and this was one of those times. He asked to be at the baby shower because he'd never been to one before and, as my only sibling, he wanted to be present for a big moment in my life as a sign of support. The ladies enjoyed having him around and he said he had fun.
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Yup, we're teaching her to pray from the get go! |
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Personalised gift bag - very cool! |
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My friend had these awesome "science geek" vests made especially for Wren :-) |
I have to say a massive thank you to my mom and her team of helpers. It was quite a group effort and one that extended quite far geographically. Nicci helped my mom plan the event from London and brought some of the decorations from the UK. My aunt sent napkins and other decorations from Pretoria. Natalie handled all the invitations and RSVPs in her highly pregnant condition. And even Lara, stationed in Robertson, chipped in with help and supplied wine which was made by her talented wine-maker husband. Sandro insists that he was the MVP of the team because he made the call that got me to the house and he came all the way from London for that call. Honestly, Trevor had one of the most difficult jobs because he knew exactly what was going on and had to keep me clueless. That is particularly tough for a guy who can't even keep my birthday present a secret because he gets so excited.
Anyhoo, I'm deeply grateful to my mom for all her hard work. Organising a baby shower is no mean feat and she did a stellar job. Also, she didn't cry which was pretty awesome LOL!
I only got home close to midnight so I had a look at the mountain of gifts in Wren's room the next morning before accepting that the day before wasn't a dream. Every time she wears one of her little outfits or we use a product that was given as a gift, I'll remember that it came from someone special at a very special party.
Thank you all!! Much love for all of you!!!!
Rude awakening
All I wanted to do was get up to go to the bathroom. I rolled over onto my right hand side and as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed...
Trevor was up in a flash and had to shove Rhapsody away who had rushed to my side to see what was wrong. He grabbed my leg and quickly started to stretch it and massage my calf muscle which was now a tight little ball. All I could do was lie there and breathe...lots of breathing.
Now, this is not the first time I've had a cramp in the middle of the night. (Ok, it's only the second time it's happened since I've been pregnant.) Last time I was clearly lacking potassium so a constant supply of bananas meant freedom from the cramp threat. This time around we suspect I'm not getting enough water and salt.
Anyhoo, all this happened around 3am. While Trev went back to sleep, I hobbled to the kitchen for Rehidrat because I was too scared to fall asleep again. My trusty bodyguard, Rhappy, faithfully followed. I didn't manage to fall asleep until well after 5am and so I'm a bit fuzzy today. I'm also limping because my leg hurts but at least I got the muscle stretched out.
(Where was Buttons through all the late night commotion you ask? She did what she does best: Let Rhapsody run off and waited on their bed to see if it was worth her while to get up. And then she went back to sleep *face palm* So much for the affectionate nature of Jack Russells.)
So, what's the best cure for my half-asleep limping state? According to my mom and Nicci, a day of swimming at the Arabella hotel. I'm being "kidnapped" from work to go frolic at the pool and I shall be returned to my husband later.
Hey, I'm not complaining :-)
Trevor was up in a flash and had to shove Rhapsody away who had rushed to my side to see what was wrong. He grabbed my leg and quickly started to stretch it and massage my calf muscle which was now a tight little ball. All I could do was lie there and breathe...lots of breathing.
Now, this is not the first time I've had a cramp in the middle of the night. (Ok, it's only the second time it's happened since I've been pregnant.) Last time I was clearly lacking potassium so a constant supply of bananas meant freedom from the cramp threat. This time around we suspect I'm not getting enough water and salt.
Anyhoo, all this happened around 3am. While Trev went back to sleep, I hobbled to the kitchen for Rehidrat because I was too scared to fall asleep again. My trusty bodyguard, Rhappy, faithfully followed. I didn't manage to fall asleep until well after 5am and so I'm a bit fuzzy today. I'm also limping because my leg hurts but at least I got the muscle stretched out.
(Where was Buttons through all the late night commotion you ask? She did what she does best: Let Rhapsody run off and waited on their bed to see if it was worth her while to get up. And then she went back to sleep *face palm* So much for the affectionate nature of Jack Russells.)
So, what's the best cure for my half-asleep limping state? According to my mom and Nicci, a day of swimming at the Arabella hotel. I'm being "kidnapped" from work to go frolic at the pool and I shall be returned to my husband later.
Hey, I'm not complaining :-)
Sienna has arrived!
02-02-12 - Sienna Jayne D'Oliveira's birth day :-)
Our dear friends, Natalie and Duane, welcomed Sienna Jayne into the world and into their family this morning at 7:21 via C-section. We'll be meeting the first of The Fearsome Foursome of 2012 later this afternoon. Lots of pics and lots of tears to follow soon!
(Much, much later...)
Ok, no tears. Managed to keep my emotions in check when we went to see Sienna, Natalie and Duane at hospital. Had to sit quietly in a corner for a large chunk of visiting time because 1.) there were lots of visitors and I'm the biggest person in the room with my belly 2.) I was a bit overwhelmed by everything and didn't want to be the only one having an emotional breakdown in front of everybody. Still a bit surreal that she's no longer the alien creature in Natalie's abdomen. I'm also just a teensy bit proud of myself for teaching Duane how to wind her. He's being such a good dad and he's only been on the job for a few hours. Good man!
And we got pics!!!!
We all said that the rollercoaster has officially begun. Four babies in five months. And we're next on the launching pad. Approximately 40 days till ETA.
Oh. My. Gosh!
Our dear friends, Natalie and Duane, welcomed Sienna Jayne into the world and into their family this morning at 7:21 via C-section. We'll be meeting the first of The Fearsome Foursome of 2012 later this afternoon. Lots of pics and lots of tears to follow soon!
(Much, much later...)
Ok, no tears. Managed to keep my emotions in check when we went to see Sienna, Natalie and Duane at hospital. Had to sit quietly in a corner for a large chunk of visiting time because 1.) there were lots of visitors and I'm the biggest person in the room with my belly 2.) I was a bit overwhelmed by everything and didn't want to be the only one having an emotional breakdown in front of everybody. Still a bit surreal that she's no longer the alien creature in Natalie's abdomen. I'm also just a teensy bit proud of myself for teaching Duane how to wind her. He's being such a good dad and he's only been on the job for a few hours. Good man!
And we got pics!!!!
Natalie's all like, "Trev, don't take photos of me!" |
Hello kiddo. I'm Erin. I'm your friend's mom. |
Oh. My. Gosh!
Hospital Tour Tale
Ah the long-awaited hospital tour - an event that was both nerve-racking and interesting...
Firstly, let me sing the praises of the staff at Durbanville Medi-Clinic. Everyone was incredibly friendly and helpful and kept on reiterating that they are there to ensure the birth experience is happy and special for families. If the tour was anything to go by, then they'll definitely make good on their promise to give the best service imaginable.
There was a short presentation which effectively and concisely covered all the administration procedures, all the services the hospital offers and what happens during the hospital stay. The best part was hearing the fathers get excited when they were told they'd raise a pink or blue flag outside the hospital heralding their child's birth. Trust the boys to get all pumped up about raising a flag for the baby ha ha ha!!! But as we learnt, dad's are very much a part of the experience and they actually have a lot to do while us moms relax.
After the presentation, it was off to the maternity ward. Our group was the first to go and we got pretty lucky. Just as we got into the ward, a brand new baby was being wheeled in from theatre where it had been delivered by C-section. The baby's father was one of the tallest men I have ever seen and he had to duck to get in through the door. Of course, he was positively glowing and the ward manager gave us a few seconds to observe the new dad bonding with his little one. As if that wasn't enough, a few minutes later another mom was wheeled out for her C-section. The nurses apologised to her profusely for us being there but she told them it's quite alright, smiled, waved and said hello to everyone as she left the ward.
The ward itself is super duper quiet and most mom's are lucky enough to end up in a room by themselves. An average of about 4 or 5 babies are born at the hospital each day which is very little by comparison to other hospitals. This is why, although the ward has semi-private rooms i.e. one room takes two moms, most moms end up in a room alone. Dads are welcome to be there as much as they like and the nurses are happy to show them how to bath and handle the new baby.
Getting to the actual labour and delivery room was where my nerves kicked in. Trevor, typical guy, walks in and the first thing he notices is the Lazyboy chair for the dads. Because we were the first couple in the room, we were the last to walk out. Trev took the opportunity to practice where he'd stand during birth and familiarise himself with his space. I just laughed at his comical display.
Being in the room was a reality check. For the first few minutes, seeing all the equipment and medical supplies scared me witless because birth became very real. By the time I walked out, I was ok. I'm a pretty strong girl and I'm confident that my doctor and the staff will guide me through the process carefully. I had a chat with my friend Carlyn who also gave birth in the same hospital and she assured me that the room becomes a lot less scary once the labour process is in full swing.
Once the tour was over, we got cupcakes and juice and had a look through the gift bag the hospital gives to every new baby and mom. It's choc-a-bloc with goodies to help see us through the first few days. We're also quite excited to see what the romantic surprise is that the hospital arranges for the parents before mom and baby head home.
So, all that's left is for us is to book our bed and get pre-admitted which will be done after our next appointment on 13 February where we'll also meet our new doctor. That day will also be the fourth anniversary of my and Trevor's engagement and it's both mind-boggling and exciting to think that baby will be just four short weeks away by then.
The clock is officially ticking...
A very pleasant surprise
I've been reading Your Pregnancy magazine from the beginning of my pregnancy. In fact, it was Natalie who bought me my first issue while we were grocery shopping in Hermanus two days after I'd found out. Well, I recently decided to try my luck with the mag.
As you'll recall from my previous post, Clint took a lovely photo of us pregnant fairies. I bought the latest issue of the magazine last Thursday and got the bright idea to submit the photo in hopes it would appear as part of a regular feature. So, I mailed the pic along with a little description of how the photo came about, how we all know each other and the unique situation we find ourselves in i.e. friends all pregnant at the same time.
On Friday morning, Trevor and I went on our maternity ward tour (another post!) and I decided to check my phone because I'd forgotten to turn it onto silent mode. There, at the top of my mail inbox, was a reply to the mail I'd sent the day before. I thought it was pretty odd that the magazine had responded so quickly. When I looked at the mail properly at the office, I had to read it three times before the words sank in: They wanted to do a story on us!
I messaged the girls, told them what happened and quickly got permission to pass their contact details on to Camilla Rankin who would be interviewing us. We completed Part 1 of the interview process via e-mail over the last two days which is all about pregnancy, our friendship and our expectations of birth and motherhood. Part 2 will cover the actual birth and life after the babies arrivals so that interview will happen in a few months from now.
We're all extremely excited and very honoured to be sharing our experience in a national publication. It's going to be quite surreal to see it in the mag but it's definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Don't worry, I will you updated on little taste of the celeb life LOL!
As you'll recall from my previous post, Clint took a lovely photo of us pregnant fairies. I bought the latest issue of the magazine last Thursday and got the bright idea to submit the photo in hopes it would appear as part of a regular feature. So, I mailed the pic along with a little description of how the photo came about, how we all know each other and the unique situation we find ourselves in i.e. friends all pregnant at the same time.
On Friday morning, Trevor and I went on our maternity ward tour (another post!) and I decided to check my phone because I'd forgotten to turn it onto silent mode. There, at the top of my mail inbox, was a reply to the mail I'd sent the day before. I thought it was pretty odd that the magazine had responded so quickly. When I looked at the mail properly at the office, I had to read it three times before the words sank in: They wanted to do a story on us!
I messaged the girls, told them what happened and quickly got permission to pass their contact details on to Camilla Rankin who would be interviewing us. We completed Part 1 of the interview process via e-mail over the last two days which is all about pregnancy, our friendship and our expectations of birth and motherhood. Part 2 will cover the actual birth and life after the babies arrivals so that interview will happen in a few months from now.
We're all extremely excited and very honoured to be sharing our experience in a national publication. It's going to be quite surreal to see it in the mag but it's definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Don't worry, I will you updated on little taste of the celeb life LOL!
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