Goodbye work, hello maternity leave!

Much to many people's relief (mine included!), today is my last day at work and I'm finally going on maternity leave. I've spent the last two weeks organising, filing, shredding, archiving and cleaning up e-mails dating back 5 years. If I could drink in celebration I would, but apple juice had to suffice today. Now I can look forward to some R&R before the little monkey arrives :-) 

Physically, I'm getting uncomfortable. She's definitely descending and the pressure on my pelvis increases a little more each day but we're coping well. I'm also getting tired much quicker now. On Wednesday night at church, I was told by a few people that it looks like this baby is coming earlier than we expect. That's long as she waits until after Tuesday. 

Tomorrow, we've got a massive shopping trip to stock up the kitchen and pick up the last bits and pieces we need. After that, I'm going to spend as much time as possible on my big bum doing very little. Sleep, TV, reading and general slothfulness ala Bruno Mars "Lazy Song" will be the order of the days ahead. Going to rock this maternity leave like a boss! 

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