Happy Wellington's Day!!! Yes, that's what I call it: Wellington's Day. Long story.
Because we're not really believers in the whole Valentine's Day hype, Trevor and I have often celebrated the occasion on the day before or sometimes the day after. In fact, we got engaged on 13 February because we chose to do Valentine's Day 24 hours early. This year, we had a check-up with the doc and finally got my paperwork sorted at the hospital - super romantic ha ha ha!
Ok, verdict on the new gynae, Dr van Waart: She is AWESOME!!!! I had every reason to be excited about meeting her and she definitely exceeded my expectations. She's so warm, friendly and easy to trust. The appointment was very relaxed and we got great news. Wren-Lee is in fantastic shape, everything is functioning normally and she's weighing in at approximately 2.6kgs right now. Her calculated weight at due date is around 3.3kgs which is exactly what Dr White calculated it would be as well. She has started lowering down into my pelvis which is why I've recently started getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Totally normal, she's just settling into place. She favours lying in the middle or on the left side of the uterus but it's because my placenta is on the right. Her blood and oxygen feed from my placenta is quite strong so I've got the doc's approval to continue sleeping on my back, which is exactly what kiddo likes.
Doc says I'm in good nick and there's nothing for us to worry about. Baby's position and my health indicate that I'll carry to due date. At our next appointment, which is in two weeks, Doc will measure Wren-Lee's head as well as my cervix and calculate if she'll fit. Like she said to us, "If her head can fit in, she can get out." She's also going to check that her head is engaged in the pelvis and will schedule a C-section if either her head is too large for my cervix or she shows no signs of engaging. Doc firmly believes there's no point in delaying the process if we know I can't deliver naturally. I'm ok with that. Getting her out safely is the most important thing.
And so, what did my little star give her mom for Wellington's Day? Well, she made me proud because her heartbeat was so strong, loud and fast that the sound distorted the speaker on the ultrasound machine. Good kid! Her daddy is also spoiling me with a quiet, romantic dinner tonight. We'll be celebrating our love and the new life joining our family.
But, what better gift for Valentine's Day than a gorgeous photograph clearly showing all four chambers of my baby's beautiful, healthy heart :-) Love you my little monkey!
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