I've been reading Your Pregnancy magazine from the beginning of my pregnancy. In fact, it was Natalie who bought me my first issue while we were grocery shopping in Hermanus two days after I'd found out. Well, I recently decided to try my luck with the mag.
As you'll recall from my previous post, Clint took a lovely photo of us pregnant fairies. I bought the latest issue of the magazine last Thursday and got the bright idea to submit the photo in hopes it would appear as part of a regular feature. So, I mailed the pic along with a little description of how the photo came about, how we all know each other and the unique situation we find ourselves in i.e. friends all pregnant at the same time.
On Friday morning, Trevor and I went on our maternity ward tour (another post!) and I decided to check my phone because I'd forgotten to turn it onto silent mode. There, at the top of my mail inbox, was a reply to the mail I'd sent the day before. I thought it was pretty odd that the magazine had responded so quickly. When I looked at the mail properly at the office, I had to read it three times before the words sank in: They wanted to do a story on us!
I messaged the girls, told them what happened and quickly got permission to pass their contact details on to Camilla Rankin who would be interviewing us. We completed Part 1 of the interview process via e-mail over the last two days which is all about pregnancy, our friendship and our expectations of birth and motherhood. Part 2 will cover the actual birth and life after the babies arrivals so that interview will happen in a few months from now.
We're all extremely excited and very honoured to be sharing our experience in a national publication. It's going to be quite surreal to see it in the mag but it's definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Don't worry, I will you updated on little taste of the celeb life LOL!
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