Footsie, footsie...

From Urban Dictionary: 

cankles: (n) A reference to a pair of legs that have no defined end of the calf area as well as no defined beginning of the ankle area. Does not only refer to fatty legs, simply shapeless legs.

As you can see, my left foot is ok-ish. Not too swollen and my ankles still exist. 
On the right, however, is a classic case of the cankle. Terribly unsexy and has rendered all of my shoes useless except one pair - the oh so stylish flip-flop. 

The pic was taken this past Tuesday after work and this was only the beginning of the swelling. About an hour later, I could've been a hobbit of the Shire - short, merry with oversize feet but minus the gross hair. My toes looked like cocktail sausages just waiting for an accompaniment of salad. It was pretty bad. 

After being submerged in the pool for an hour, my feet returned to their normal form. I don't think I have ever been so glad to see my ankles. My face, bum and belly are already rounder than usual. The last thing I need to go spherical are my feet. 

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